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How do you find a cheap Schiphol taxi?

Schiphol taxi’s are expensive

Schiphol taxis are expensive, especially if you get in a Schiphol taxi at the taxi rank at Amsterdam Schiphol Plaza. You never know in advance what the fare will be, and if you are unlucky you will also find yourself in a traffic jam while the taximeter keeps ticking.

Can’t a Schiphol taxi be cheaper?

Yes, certainly a Schiphol taxi can be cheaper. It is not necessary at all and also not mandatory to get in a taxi at the taxi rank at Schiphol Plaza. We live in a free country and that also applies to the choice you can make yourself in the taxi company that will transport you to or from Schiphol.

How do you find a cheap taxi to Schiphol?

We live in a technological age, so it is obvious that you can find a cheap taxi to Schiphol on the internet. Of course you have to know what to look out for, but that is with everything you want to buy over the internet. Taxi companies in general do not have such a good reputation, certainly not in Amsterdam or the taxis at Schiphol. So be careful, but we are going to give you some tips.

Our tip!

Word of mouth is of course the best. Someone has had an experience with a Schiphol taxi, and if that was good, you will of course have a good first-hand tip. And precisely because we receive experiences from various customers, we ended up with a taxi company that has more than 30 years of experience in the industry, of which more than 18 years by the internet. It is very easy to calculate the costs for taxi on the website of The great thing is that you are much cheaper for a taxi to Schiphol and can cancel for free until the evening before departure.

10 Tips if you are going to order a Schiphol taxi!

1. Always book your taxi in advance, never at the last minute

2. If you book a return, you usually get a higher discount</p>

3. Enter your flight details so that they watch your flight when they return

4. You can pay however you want, cash, pin, credit card in the Schiphol taxi or with Ideal in advance

5. If you want to take someone along on the route, let them know then it will be okay</p>

6. Bring your dog, bicycle or other abnormal luggage, ask them about the possibilities</p>

7. If you travel for business, ask for a receipt for accounting;

8. Business customers can drive on account

9. Read their waiting service for companies at Schiphol on the website</p>

10. With a lot of luggage, book a taxi van to Schiphol

Good reviews

Reviews are becoming increasingly important, also for a taxi company. You can find various reviews from Facebook, Tripadvisor, Trustpilot and Google about the website  These are favorable reviews, so arranging your taxi with this company is good.

What else should you pay attention to in your search?

Do you still want to look further, for example because you are looking for an even cheaper solution for your transport to Schiphol. Then think about the following. There will certainly be providers offering a ride to Schiphol for an even lower price, but how do you know whether it is a reliable taxi company?

We advise you to call an unknown taxi company

Always call an unknown taxi company. Just to get an impression of the company. If you are properly addressed, they are helpful. Don’t forget to ask if there are any hidden costs, such as night surcharge or luggage surcharge. Can the taxi company be reached 24 hours, because when you arrive at Schiphol at night, you want the taxi to really be ready when you have landed, and you want to be able to call the company if there is anything wrong.


A Schiphol taxi can really be cheaper. You have to know how and where to look for it. Word of mouth is still the best. We recommend, simply because of the many good experiences and a very reasonable price for a taxi to Schiphol.

Adres gegevens

  • | Taxi en Schiphol taxi
  • Adres: James Cookroute 99
  • Telefoon: 036-200 22 65
  • Openingstijden: 24 uur per dag geopend
  • Categorie: Taxibedrijf
  • Website: Schiphol taxi |
  • TaxibedrijfSchiphol taxi

Contact gegevens Amsterdam

  • Goedkoop naar Schiphol, met de Schiphol taxi.
  • Adres: Nicolaas Beetsstraat 142 2hg, 1054xv.
  • Telefoon: 020-2600810
  • Openingstijden: 24 uur per dag geopend
  • Categorie: Taxibedrijf
  • Website: Schiphol taxi 

Contact gegevens Almere

  • Goedkoop naar Schiphol, Schiphol taxi Almere
  • Adres: Roemer Visscherstraat 39, 1321 CD Almere
  • Telefoon: 036-2002285
  • Openingstijden: 24 uur per dag geopend
  • Categorie: Taxibedrijf
  • Website: 

Contact gegevens Almere

  • Goedkoop naar Schiphol, Schiphol taxi Almere
  • Adres: Nobelstraat 82, 1341BH.
  • Telefoon: 036-2002285
  • Openingstijden: 24 uur per dag geopend
  • Categorie: Taxibedrijf
  • Website: